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Here's What To Look For In An Online Music Mentor

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Ask just about any musician who has ever "made it big," and they'll probably tell you they didn't do it alone. Nearly every successful musician has a team of people who has supported them and helped them along their journey. If you're looking to improve your own music career prospects, then you could definitely benefit from having a mentor.

And by going with an online mentor, you can enjoy the flexibility that comes along with not being limited to music mentors in your immediate area. Before you start your search for an online music mentorship program, though, there are some things worth looking for.

Shared Goals and Outcomes

Start by assessing your own short- and long-term music goals. This can actually be one of the most challenging parts of the process, as it forces you to sit down and figure out the specific ways in which you'd like to grow and improve. Perhaps in the short term, you'd like to work on developing your confidence on-stage. In the long term, you might have a goal to release your first album.

Whatever your aspirations may be, make sure to get them in writing so you can find a mentor who specializes in helping people with those types of goals.

Schedule Availability/Flexibility

Part of the beauty of an online mentorship program is that you don't have to meet in person to reap the benefits of a session with your mentor. This can make working around busy schedules much easier. Still, you and your mentor will both have an easier time if you at least set forth a loose schedule for your meetings. If either of you has potential schedule conflicts that could come up at the last second, you'll also want to address these ahead of time and have a contingency plan in place; some mentors will be more flexible than others.

Bonus Tools and Resources

In addition to regular meetings with your mentor, you'll also want to look for additional guidance in the form of free online classes and other resources. Some mentors may have their own online courses that come along with your program, which may include demos, personal lessons, quizzes, and more to help you grow. Make sure you know exactly what's included with your program so you can plan to take full advantage of it.

A little planning goes a long way in finding your ideal online music mentor. With the right mentor, you can take your musical talents to new heights in this competitive industry.

To learn more, contact a resource that offers an online music mentorship program.
